Currency Quest, getting away from gold Coding Medieval Worlds, exactly that. I had the pleasure of attending Coding Medieval Worlds recently. The description from the event’s …
Gaming highlights from the last sixteen months These are the weeknotes1 on the games I’ve played since I last wrote up my weeknotes…. about sixteen months ago I think. These are …
Water Water Everywhere A prediction of what will be underwater when the sea rises two metres. Water Water Everywhere I helped run this session as part of the CLWG …
A week of fun spread over months. Playing. These are the weeknotes1 on the games I’ve played2 purely for fun3 in the last few months. There’s very few listed below, which is …
Game Design Manifesto version 0.7 Something I’ve been thinking on for quite a while, but reading this manifesto on the Trick’s Tales blog finally got me to write …
Free and online cyber security solo games This is a sporadically updated list of online games that illustrate useful points about cyber security. For those I’ve tried, or intend to …
Weeknotes for Wargames, Wizards, and Warriors. As fifty percent of my readership complained about the breathless bulleted format I’ve been using, which is a very fair point to make, I’m …
Team sports as an emerging theme... My previous week: Looking back on the previous week, I only realised that “playing as a team” was a common thread through the most …
Lies and Circuses My previous week: Various tribulations with online stores. Maybe I’m getting old and weary, but it seems harder and harder to just pay for …
The future of trucks, and of photography. My previous week: I attended a really interest critical thinking exercise by Sara Penrose Optimisation Training. Myself and several others …
Games, circuses, CISOs, and anti-submarine warfare. My previous week: Provided some feedback for a game/exercise design, which was enlightening because it’s rare that I’m in that situation, …
Quiet. My previous week: Thinking through different and underused game formats: board games that support simultaneous or asynchronous movement, …
A good week for games... well, mostly... My previous week: I was kind of thrown into the role of Game Control for an online playtest - which I found a little stressful, but …