Weeknote 30th August 2021
Last week
- Continued thinking on the American War of Independence mashup, this rapid summary on YouTube was thought provoking
- Acknowledged that maybe hexagons are sometimes the bestagons, as per this video
- More discussions on running or helping to run exercises
- Attended a seminar by the UK Fight Club on deception in warfare, which is an interest of mine. It was well done, and while mainly for a military audience they don’t exclude civilian interest at all
- Attended James Bore’s open office; if you’re in Cyber Security or related industries it’s worth considering on Thursday mornings UK time
- Watched Dr Sara Ulrich presenting on negotiation and business wargames ; I really liked the emphasis on knowing yourself, what I would call “situation substitution” in negotiations, and her enthusiasm for business wargaming
- Saw the result of bringing together two separate geek groups I’ve been part of for a while, which was interesting
- Started learning Python again, and thanks to my partner I’m being a bit more organised this time
- Particularly enjoyed watching military experts analyse TV and movie scenes relevant to their speciality, which I find a really interesting way to learn
- Pushed lots of tasks back to the next week while making difficult purchasing decisions. Intellectually it’s interesting to see how much information we have now on what choices are available, but still how difficult it is to make those choices
- Played Townscaper. Contrary to some discussion online, I’d argue that it is a game. It is very enjoyable and wholesome

A screenshot from one of my creations
This week
- Still 90% done with a new layout for my company website, but still with what feels like 90% of the work left to do
- Still fighting software, mainly rdiff-backup I expect
- Actually read a book, again
- And yes, I still nedd to update that Inky game, make it a little easier: Lost Key
- A lot of tidying of my physical space, which is always good because the results are so clear, but always dull because it takes so long