The future of trucks, and of photography.
My previous week:
- I attended a really interest critical thinking exercise by Sara Penrose Optimisation Training. Myself and several others just brainstormed through how to design a driver’s cab for a truck. The ideas went in all sorts of directions, and it was really illuminating to see how creative people could be given the time and space to work together, and also how that innovation was down to process rather than some kind of innate quality. I learnt a lot, and was struck by how much “path dependence” there is in the design of truck controls - from the steering wheel to the gears to the pedals all being based on outmoded mechanical systems, to “paperwork” still being made of paper.
- I stepped back from a few things, trying to catch up on a lot of older email and other messages, while also implementing systems that make it easier to filter out the signal from the noise in future. I think I had some success, but also this is a process I’ve been trying to do for years and years.
- Spent an enjoyable evening just playing Animal Crossing and realised it’s one of the few things I do that I don’t try and turn into something productive. Having turned many of my interests into presentations, and with an increasing interest in the commercial production of game-based exercises, this is one thing I just do. Making the most of the new tripod mode I developed an innovative photography style in the game which… well… it makes me laugh.

Mostly my massive head
- A new contact got in touch to discuss some business ideas. This is particularly promising, but often I make contact with similar “ideas people” who are “time poor” and so our conversations are interesting but not profitable. We’ll see…
- I helped someone think through their career options, I think mainly by just given them space to think, and helping them apply their consulting skills to their own situation. I’m more the catalyst than the reagent.
- Another interest that I’ve turned into a presentation… the Seattle Seahawks had the Seahawkiest of games so far this season, “sloppy but thrilling”.