When is a card deck a card deck?
Mainly as a result of discussions at the CardStock meetups, along with Nick Kellet’s release of the Deckible platform, and a couple of projects I’m working on, I got to wondering what makes a card deck recognisable as a typical deck of cards, rather than something else?
What makes a card deck a card deck?

Is this what you see?
In no particular order…
- Cards are two dimensional
- Viewable areas are single or double sided only
- All cards within a deck are the same shape
- All cards within a deck have the same finish
- All cards are flat
- All cards are solid
- Cards are intended to be handled
- Cards are opaque
- Cards are of sufficient size to be handled comfortably by humans
- Detail on the cards can be read unaided
- The cards’ shape is symmetrical
- Cards are divided into suits
- Each card is individual, and are not duplicated within the deck ( arguably, what about Uno? )
- Cards are made of paper or a paper-like material
- Cards have the same style of design throughout a deck
- Decks contain approximately fifty cards
- Corners are rounded, mostly
- The back is usually different to the front
- They can be shuffled
- They can be dealt
- Cards are interacted with through visual and tactile stimuli only
What did I miss?
Should I start a list of notable exceptions?