Son Of Sun Tzu blog

Son Of Sun Tzu blog

They keep saying my audience will find me…

09 Nov 2021

Cops and Robbers

Last Week:

  • A very thought provoking conversation with a former Police officer about innovative tactics to use against organised crime.
  • A useful conversation with someone in a similar position to me, a square peg looking at round holes, and the attitude required for that kind of situation. While there’s a lot of nuance required, “keep going” is an effective summary.
  • Providing training on assessing and using penetration testing results, it was interesting to see how much I still know - and how far some aspects of the practice have gone, and how many haven’t changed in the last decade.
  • Finishing off plans for the Ransomware workshop I’m helping run at BSides London, I’m very much in the “sidekick” role, helping James Bore think through the idea, and he’ll be onsite on the day.